STEM School: Science, mathematics and computing are our key strengths
In our stem education center, we have a team of eight specialist mathematics teachers and we offer Further Mathematics A level, in addition to the normal Mathematics A level. This allows students to apply for the most competitive maths and engineering courses at universities such as Imperial and Cambridge. Students have opportunities outside the classroom to enter local, national and international maths competitions. Mathematics is the most popular A level, closely followed by the sciences and economics.
We offer Computer Science IGCSE, A level and IB Higher Level – these courses focus on computer programming (rather than more basic IT skills) and are superb preparation for those who may wish to do computing at university and beyond.
We have state of the art science facilities and, in addition to nine specialist teachers, we have three full time science technicians whose job is focused solely on preparing practical work for the students. Science experiments are a key part of the educational experience - the ability to experience the results, rather than just read about them in a book, is what makes science truly inspiring.
We have a Head of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to ensure that the most able and passionate students have exciting opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.
In short, we have the best conditions to train you in our stem education program.
STEM education from the beginning
All our students from Year 3 upwards have a personal device (an ipad for primary students and a laptop for secondary students). These are carefully controlled with strong filtering software. Ed tech offers exciting opportunities but has to be balanced with more traditional approaches - there is still an emphasis on handwriting!