The school fees are paid in ten instalments throughout the school year. Discounts are available for siblings. A 20% discount (for tuition fees, extra-curricular activities, lunch and transport) is applied to the third youngest child onwards.
Generally, food and transport are charged separately and will be itemised on your monthly invoice.
Pre-Nursery 950€ /Nursery 1.250€ /Reception 1.500€/ Y1 to Y13 1.850€
Siblings - contact with the Admissions Team for more information
173€ for Pre-Nursery
203€ for Nursery to Year 13
178€ for one-way
222€ for return journeys
Optional School Trips
We have a wide range of optional trips, both educational, sports and leisure, so that our students can continue to learn and enjoy themselves outside of Hastings School.